Brian's Poker Blog

Hey all, I'm using this blog to record my experiences with online poker! Grinding from $50 to wherever it takes me, starting at .01/.02 NL cash games.

Finally moving up!!

Posted by Brian On 9:13 PM

After a grueling week of breaking even, enduring bad beats, and making slow progress, I have finally hit the $100 dollar mark! I will now cash out of Absolute Poker and make the move to Poker Stars. Hopefully I can get a graph up soon of my 2nl progress, it's not too impressive though. I will however, leave you with the hand that put me over the mark, what a great way to finish off at 2nl!

Here's my Graph from 2nl, when I switched back down to 6 tables my redline flattened quite a bit, my winrate during that stretch was more like 8BB/100.

Current BR: $104.57
Current Stakes: .02/.05 NL Hold'em


The poker roller coaster!!

Posted by Brian On 12:31 AM

A quick update on my progress, it's still going well!! What a roller coaster poker is though!! One minute you're hitting the flops, bluffing the misses, and taking down so many pots! and the next minute, you could be hitting great hands, only to be rivered time and time again. Today, I started off losing 5BI's in a row. I then came back and ended up over 3BI's!! I must have gotten KK and AA like over a dozen times each, it was totally sweet!

Current BR: $85.15


My journey into online poker!!

Posted by Brian On 2:03 AM

Hey all, I am starting this blog mainly to track my poker progress, but I will probably add in some other stuff as well. I started playing in late Jan. of this year with a free $50 bankroll at Absolute Poker. As a college student going for an Electrical Engineering major I have virtually no time for a part-time job, but I do have lots of free time that I waste away on Facebook etc. I decided to give poker a shot, after hearing about some of my friends placing in tournaments etc. I am doing this mostly for fun, but also as a learning experience, and a shot at some extra cash. (Also my mom thinks I'm wasting my time, so I want to prove to her that poker is indeed a game of skill that CAN be consistently beaten).

At the start of March I changed my game from playing fit-or-fold mass multi-tabling, to using a HUD and thinking about opponent hand ranges, etc (and playing 4-6 tables). This has resulted in my redline being almost flat, (vs a huge downward slope) and a markedly improved winrate. Today I had my best session ever, won over 5 Buy-In's!! In 4 hours I made over half of my previous total profits (that took me a month to get)!! Hopefully I can keep the roll going.

Current BR: $70.58
Current Stakes: .01/.02 NL Hold'em
